I lost her forever

sangwoo sprouse
2 min readJun 1, 2021

In 2015 i was 12 years old. Just an innocent child. My mother was pregnant with my baby sister. She was supposed to be born n December of 2015. This was my mother's third girl she had me and my sister and now the third girl was on the way.

It was Friday the 14 of august 2015 my grandma woke me up early in the morning it was sunny outside and a beautiful day. My grandma told me to go watch my sister who was crying in the other room. Why? I asked her. And she responded that mom had gotten sick and had to go see a doctor so I had to watch my sister. Okay, I said and went into the next room and watched my little pony with her.

My mother was sent to a hospital two hours away and I was left with my grandparents babysitting my sister. Around 7 in the evening my grandparents tell me to come into their bedroom they needed to talk to me. I remember sitting between them on their bed scared of what they would say. They informed me that my mom had given birth to my sister but my sister did not make it. I just remember screaming at the top of my lungs and crying harder than I ever cried before. How can a twelve-year-old understand all this?. The first funeral ever went to was the funeral of my sister at just the age of 12. It was one of the worst days of my life.

I thought I had lost her forever but I didn't. In 2019 my mother gets pregnant again with another girl and she was born on august 14 the same day I lost my sister in 2015. So I believe that God took an angel away from me but gave me a new one a few years later.

